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Did you have a dream?
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My name is Ali, and I am 20 years old. I grew up in Pakistan in a family which values Islam and performs its obligatory duties, such as praying five times a day, working in da’wa, fasting, taking care of the poor, paying Zakat, etc. I practiced my religion fanatically, refusing even to speak with non-Muslims, for they were infidels, and I didn’t want to lose my eternal life for associating with them.
I had two dreams in which I saw a Man in White. The first dream came to me when I was eight years old. I saw Allah in my dream. God appeared to me in white, shining with bright light. I couldn’t see His face clearly. Then Allah spoke to me. I don’t remember the conversation, but I remember how happy I was, filled with peace in His presence. At the same time I felt His greatness.
When I was 18 years old, I had another dream of the same Man in White. I was with Him on a battlefield with 10 or 12 men fighting against a dragon with an army. The warfare was terrible, but at the end the Man in White defeated the dragon and the enemies, and they were cast out. I had the privilege of sitting with Him and spend time talking and learning from Him. I was so incredibly happy to be at His side that I cannot describe my feelings. I was filled with peace and joy like I had never experienced before.
When I woke up, I wanted to understand my dream. I asked various people what it meant, but no one gave me a satisfying answer. I started searching the Internet, and I found an article on your website explaining that we can see Allah in our dreams. I wrote to you for information: who was that Man in White? Who was that dragon? Why were they at war? Why had I been shown this dream? What did it mean?
The answers you sent back were marvelous. You sent me some verses from the Injil describing exactly what I had seen in my dream. I was stunned! “A war broke out in the heavens. Mikal and his angels fought against the dragon and his angels. The dragon and his angels fought against them, but Mikal defeated them. There was no longer any place for them in heaven, since the great dragon was expelled from it. The great dragon is the ancient snake who is called Iblis and Al-Shaitan, the one who misleads the whole earth. He was thrown down to the earth, as were his angels. I heard a loud sound in heaven saying: "The time of the salvation, power, and kingdom of Rabb Al-Alamin, and the authority of his Masih, since the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down. He accuses them night and day in front of Allah. They have conquered him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their shahada, since they did not love their lives at all, even in the face of death. So rejoice, heaven and its inhabitants! Woe to you, land and sea, because Iblis has been thrown down to you with severe anger, knowing that his time is short!" (Injil, Rev. 12: 7-12).
After reading the verses, I was shocked. This was from the Injil? I thought it had been corrupted. But it described what I had seen in my dream! I could not resist. I wanted to know everything about the Man in White.
I am just beginning my journey to learn about the Man in White. Who is He? Why did I have such a dream? I am thankful for your website that opened my eyes and pushed me to study and know more.