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Man in White
Vision of a Man in white
A person reading their phone and texting
17 May 2024

Answers to Your Questions

December 2024 (Name withheld)

In my dream, I saw three angels flying quickly in the sky, carrying bright messages in their hands. “They are preparing the people for Judgment Day,” a voice said. When I woke up, I felt like I needed to prepare and help others too.

Peace be with you, brother. Thank you for writing to us. What you have been shown in your dream has been revealed by Allah to John, a hawari of Isa al-Masih (may his peace be with us).

Injil, Revelation 14:6-11

Then I saw an angel flying in the middle of the sky, carrying eternal good news (in Arabic: injil). He gave good news to the inhabitants of the earth, to every tribe, language, and people. He said with a loud voice: "Be reverent toward Allah and give him glory! The day of his judgment has come. Bow down to the Khaliq (the maker) of the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water." A second angel followed him, saying: "It has fallen. The great city of Babylon has fallen! It is the one that made all the nations drink the wine of the anger of its immorality." A third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice: "If anyone bows down to the wild beast and his idol, and accepts his mark on his forehead or his hand, that person will drink the wine of the anger of Allah poured out full-strength in the cup of his wrath. He will be tortured with fire and sulphur in the presence of the pure angels and in the presence of the lamb. The smoke of their torture will rise forever and ever. They will not be blessed with rest night or day, since they bowed down to the wild beast and his idol, and they received the mark of his name."

These messages are meant to prepare the World for the return of Isa (may his peace be with us), who is coming to deliver the Kiyamat. You are very right. You need to prepare for the Day of Reckoning. And since Allah has shown you this scene from the Injil, He is also asking you to share this important news with your family, friends and anyone you can. We will be happy to study with you what is the meaning of the three messages you saw, and how to prepare for the Day of Judgement. May you walk the Straight Path in the new year, and may you have barakah.


May 2024 (Name withheld)

Salam. I saw last night a dream of a man wearing white sitting on a throne surrounded by light, he asked me to come closer to him, I was very happy, then he blessed me and I saw scars on his hands and feet. I was so happy with him. I woke up and I couldn't forget the dream. Can you help me?

Dear Brother

Meeting the Man in white is a great barakah (blessing), and he even asked you to come to his throne and blessed you directly. The Man in white, Isa al-Masih, showed you that he invites you to come to him, not only in your dream, but as a life choice. You have seen the scars on his hands and feet. He bears those scars from when enemies of Allah had him nailed to a cross. This is another sure sign that the one you met is indeed Isa al-Masih. He died, as both the Injil (Mark 15:37) and the Qur’an (Maryam 19:33) testify, but now he is alive.

Your story reminds me of what Allah showed in a dream to another one of our readers, Jaber. You can read his and other comments on our article Seeing Isa al Masih in a Dream

I am happy that Isa has called you to himself, that you have not forgotten the joy of meeting him, and that you seek answers. Read his word, the Injil, and let’s keep in touch, if you would like to know how to come to Isa. Do not turn back from the straight path, brother.