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Ibn Sirin, who interprets dreams in agreement with the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah, tells us that the one who sees Isa (His peace be upon us) among the men in general is a man of good and benefit, and he is blessed and travels and moves a lot to do good and benefit others. For a single girl, the vision of Isa (His peace be upon us) means that she will do good and benefit others and follow the good way. As for a woman who is pregnant, she will give birth to a male child who is wise and has power and authority in good. For a married woman, it may indicate pregnancy for those of the age of gestation and reproduction, and happiness and satisfaction for other women.
Other commentators say that seeing Isa (His peace be upon us) in a dream for a male or a female is a blessing from Allah or a demonstration of care from Him to someone in great distress. His descent in a dream in a specific place, indicates the appearance of justice in that place, the outpouring of blessings, the loss of the unbelievers, and the victory of believers.
The Qur’an says that He has made great miracles that no one else has done. He commands the dead, and they return to life. He gives back to the blind his eyesight. He touches the skin of the leper and heals it. He forms clay into the shape of a bird, breathes it into, and it becomes a living bird. He knows the unseen. He requested dining tables from heaven for the Apostles. He was lifted to heaven, having triumphed over death by resurrecting from the dead.
The Qur’an also says that He is blessed wherever He is, a Mercy to the Worlds, “Zaki” pure from all sin and fault, the Word of Allah and Spirit from Him, and “Wajeh” exalted in this world by prophecy and good place and in the hereafter by intercession and higher degrees, and close to Allah the Almighty.
All these references in the Qur’an agree with the facts about Isa in the Bible. Isa (His peace be upon us) is an extraordinary person.
It is said in the Injil:
He will save his people from their sins. (Injil, Matthew 1:21).
He is called Immanuel (meaning God with us) (Injil, Matthew 1:23),
and it is stated about Him:
a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. (Injil, Luke 2: 11)
The Injil also proclaims His ministry:
The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour. (Injil, Luke 4: 18-19)