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The following statement will probably surprise you. Read on to decide for yourself whether or not it is true:
The Quran makes it very clear that nobody else is like Isa Al-Masih!
There are seventeen attributes in the Quran that have not been given to any person or prophet in any era except to Isa Al-Masih (His peace be upon us). These attributes are:
Maryam 19:20
She (Maryam) said, ‘How can I have a son, when no man has touched me, and I was never unchaste?’
2 – Isa Al-Masih (His peace be upon us) alone was given the title Al-Masih (Messiah)
Al-Nisa 4:171
Al-Masih, Isa, the son of Mary…
3 – Isa Al-Masih (His peace be upon us) is the Only One who is called Kalimat Allah (the Word of Allah), which means the right expression of the True God. Who can dispute that the Word of God is Eternal?
Al-Nisa 4:171 and Al-Imran 3:45
…The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary …
4 – Isa Al-Masih (His peace be upon us) is the only one called Ruh Allah (Spirit of Allah) in the sense of how he emerged. He did not need conception by sexual intercourse like the rest of people:
Al-Nisa 4:171
… The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him…
5 – Isa Al-Masih (His peace be upon us) alone spoke in the cradle,
Maryam 19:29-30
So she pointed to him. They said, "How can we speak to one who is in the cradle a child?" He said, "Indeed, I am the servant of Allah. He has given me the Scripture and made me a prophet."
The Qur’an tells us that Al-Masih, the Word of Allah, did not need anyone to teach Him anything, not even speech.
Al-Imran 3:48
And He will teach him the Scripture and wisdom, and the Tawrat and the Injil.
6 – Isa Al-Masih (His peace be upon us) alone is distinguished from all the prophets by being without sin. All the prophets’ sins are mentioned in the Qur’an, but not his.
Al-Imran 3:45
The Angels said, “O Mary, God gives you good news of a Word from Him. His name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, well-esteemed in this world and the next, and one of the nearest.”
7 – Isa Al-Masih (His peace be upon us) is the Only one who is blessed wherever he goes.
Maryam 19:31
And He has made me blessed wherever I am and has enjoined upon me prayer and zakah as long as I remain alive.
8 – Isa Al-Masih (His peace be upon us) alone is distinguished from all creation:
Al-Imran 3:49
A messenger to the Children of Israel: ‘I have come to you with a sign from your Lord. I make for you out of clay the figure of a bird; then I breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by Allah’s leave’
9 – Isa Al-Masih (His peace be upon us) alone was able to do the miracles that could not be done by others:
Al-Imran 3:49
…and I heal the blind and the leprous…
10 – Isa Al-Masih (His peace be upon us) alone was able to raise the dead:
Al-Imran 3:49 and Al-Maida 5:110
,,,and I revive the dead, by Allah’s leave.
11 – Isa Al-Masih (His peace be upon us) alone knows the secrets of the unseen.
Al–Imran 3:49
…and I inform you concerning what you eat, and what you store in your homes. In that is a sign for you, if you are believers.
12 – Isa Al-Masih (His peace be upon us) is the only one who was supported by the Holy Spirit:
Al-Maida 5:110
When Allah will say, ‘O Jesus son of Mary, recall My favor upon you and upon your mother, how I supported you with the Holy Spirit.’
13 – Isa Al-Masih (His peace be upon us) alone exchanged the responsibility of authority with Allah.
Al-Maida 5:117
…And I was a witness over them while I was among them; but when You took me to Yourself, You became the Watcher over them—You are Witness over everything.
14 – Isa Al-Masih (His peace be upon us) alone became a Sign to people and Mercy of Allah.
Maryam 19:21
Thus said your Lord, ‘It is easy for Me, and We will make him a sign for humanity, and a mercy from Us. It is a matter already decided’.
15 – Isa Al-Masih (His peace be upon us) alone prophesied of his death and resurrection from the dead:
Maryam 19:33
So peace is upon me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the Day I get resurrected alive.
16 – Isa Al-Masih (His peace be upon us) alone can give His followers a high position and confirmation of the Day of Resurrection:
Al-Imran 3:55
Allah said, ‘O Jesus, I am terminating your life, and raising you to Me, and clearing you of those who disbelieve. And I will make those who follow you superior to those who disbelieve, until the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is your return; then I will judge between you regarding what you were disputing.’
17 – Isa Al-Masih (His peace be upon us) alone is the sign of the Hour.
Al-Zukhruf 43:61
He is a portent of the Hour, so have no doubt about it, and follow Me. This is the straight path.
Isa Al-Masih (His peace be upon us) alone will be the Judge who comes to the world to judge the living and the dead. The truth has been confirmed by the Hadith: “The Hour shall not be until the Son of Maryam descends as Just Judge.”