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Man in White
Vision of a Man in white
Two columns of  elegant white pillars leading to a bright white light
30 November 2023

Seeing the Man in White

Alhamdulillah. Praise be to Allah, al-Hadi (the Guide). He gives His dreams to those He chooses. They bring happiness, peace and haqiqat (truth and guidance). Many people from around the globe meet the Man in white in their dreams. Some of them are Christians and Atheist in Europe, some are Animists in Malaysia or Africa. Most of those who receive this barakah, however, are Muslims.

Those who meet the Man in white usually talk about his brightness and purity. They describe his gentleness and compassion. At the same time, many are impressed by his authority and power. Even more often, dreamers talk about the great joy of being in his presence and a deep sense of peace. Many lives have been changed for better by this experience. Many people have been drawn towards Allah, deeper faith, and more prayer, and are willing to do what it takes to follow the guidance of the Man in white.

Not all our dreams have divine origin, but those who meet the Man in white see their experience clearly as messages and guidance from Allah. The man in white provides spiritual counsel, inspires to embrace faith in Him, and offers comfort during hard times. Dreams of the Man in White bring spiritual, and sometimes even physical healing. They also give an opportunity to receive forgiveness. These dreams give a chance to seek repentance and receive Rahmat (Mercy).

The Man in White gives protection and reassurance. Brothers and sisters who face challenges are deeply relieved. They rest assured and thankful, cared for and loved, knowing that they are not alone and that a higher power is watching over them.

As most Muslims know, the Man in White who comes to us in dreams is Isa Al-Masih (His peace be upon us). He comes to lift those who strive on the path of Allah, to warn those who go astray, and to bring peace.

Whether or not you have personally met the Man in white in your dream, you can follow his guidance, and receive the forgiveness, and reassurance which he offers to all.