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When Al-Masih comes for the second time, the whole world will be represented by two classes, the just and the unjust, the righteous and the unrighteous. Preceding the great ayah (sign) of the coming of the Son of man, there will be signs and wonders in the heavens and on the Earth.
We are living in the time of the end. The fast-fulfilling signs of the times declare that the coming of Al-Masih is very near. The days in which we live are serious and important. The Ruhullah (Spirit of God) is gradually but surely being withdrawn from the Earth. Plagues and judgements are already falling upon those who are indifferent to the grace of Allah or are His enemies. The calamities by land and sea, the unsettled state of society, the alarms of war, are ominous. They forecast approaching events of the greatest magnitude.
The condition of things in the world shows that troubled times are right upon us. The news is frightening and gloomy. People have become full of evil, and every kind of vice is spreading. There are a lot of lukewarm believers and hypocrites, who strive to look good before people, but whose hearts are far from As Salam (the Giver of Peace). Those who claim to be near to Allah, instead of demonstrating His love and care to all, argue, hate and even kill one another.
Long Foretold
Nabi Daniyal (Daniel) lived 1200 years before the rasul Allah (the messenger of God). Yet, Allah has shown Daniyal many things which have since then been fulfilled, and some, which are still to come in the future. Allah revealed to Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylonia in Iraq, what will happen until the Yawm Al Din (the Judgement Day). Then, Allah showed to nabi Daniyal the content and explanation. Go to Daniyal and the dreams of kind Nebuchadnezzar.
Now that you read the story of prophet Daniyal and the Babylonian king, let us ask you a question: What is the last age according to the dream? It’s the feet of the image. When did the last age start? It started in the year 476 AD., when the Roman empire fell and was divided among much less significant kingdoms. It means that this world has been in the “last age” for over 1500 YEARS! Add that to the amazing signs of the last days that you will read about below, and you are left with no doubt that we are living at the end of the toes on the image and right at the end of time, soon to see the brief rise and fall of the Dajjal (also called the Antichrist), and the victorious second coming of Isa Al-Masih.
Nabi Daniyal 12:4
But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.
This ayah (sign) has been revealed to nabi Daniyal 2600 years ago, and yet it clearly points to our days. Throughout history we have seen an increase in knowledge. Just think of the philosophers and physicians of ancient Greece and Anatolia. Think of the golden era of scholars in the Abbasid court in Baghdad, or in places such as Balkh or Bukhara. Think of the Western Renaissance.
Yet, none of this comes even close to what has been happening for the past 150+ years, which have been marked by nabi Daniyal as the end times. We have seen an explosion of knowledge, technology and science.
The words of the ancient nabi: “Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.” also remind us of Muhammad’s (saws) instruction to seek knowledge. The words of Daniyal have long been forgotten. You can go to see the supposed remains of nabi Daniyal in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. You can personally meet the mufti, who meets pilgrims and prays a duah with them for a fee. Unfortunately, if you ask him about the prophecies of nabi Daniyal, you will discover that he knows nothing about their actual content. In spite of such ignorance, the number of people reading these prophecies and finding the ayahs of the times in them, has been growing phenomenally. Muslims, Christians and Jews, but also people of other faiths or no faith at all are studying the Tawrat, Zabur and Injil and discovering amazing truths which Allah revealed in them. Sadly, not all who believe read the revelations of Allah, and not all who read them, believe. “People will stagger from sea to sea and wander from north to east, searching for the word of the Lord, but they will not find it.” (nabi Amos 8:12).
Violence and Sexual Immorality
Injil, Luke 17:28-30
It was the same in the days of Lut. They were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. But on the day Lut went out of the city of Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. It will be the same on the day Son of Man appears.
What was it like in the days of Nuh (aws) and Lut? The Scriptures give us the answer we need. Tawrat, Genesis 6:13 tells us that in the days of Nuh, the earth was filled with violence. Injil, Jude 7 says:
And you know how he made the two cities of Lut, Sodom and Gomorrah with their surrounding towns, a lesson to the person who considers, as he burned them in the eternal fire of Jahannam, because their citizens indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire.
Violence prevailed in the days of Nuh (aws) and sexual immorality (including homosexuality) prevailed in Lut’s day. And this is a sign of the end times before the victorious coming of Isa Al-Masih.
Rise of the Dark Powers
Injil, 1 Timothy 4:1
The saying of Ruh Allah is true: some people will turn back from faith in the last days. They will follow misleading spirits and the teaching of jinn (demons).
It is very unfortunate and disturbing that, in every Muslim nation and tribe, one can find people who are deeply involved with the dark powers. Instead of putting their trust in Allah and in His protection, these people rely on rituals to seek fortune and security. Charms and talismans used by Muslims are often no different from those used by the kafireen (unbelievers) who do not worship Al Waliyy (the Protecting Friend) and instead live in the fear of the jinn.
Many others see themselves as enlightened or civilized, and view those who fear the jinn as inferior people, caught up in superstitions. Yet they themselves fall into the same trap, just in a different form. “Twilight”, “Harry Potter”, “Lord of the Rings”, and a whole lot of other movies contain the occult and spiritualism. It has invaded our lives. And what is the cause of this? It is the false teaching of the immortality of the ‘soul’. The Bible clearly teaches that “the dead know NOTHING” (nabi Suleyman, Ecclesiastes 9:5), and that when we die, we return to the dust of the ground from where we came (Tawrat, Genesis 3:19). But most have embraced this false teaching of the immortal soul, which is another sign of the times we live in.
Natural Disasters
Injil, Luke 21:25-26
Ayat will appear in the sun, moon and stars. Nations will be astounded and puzzled at the sounds and raging of the seas. People will faint in fear and terror at what is happening to the world. The powers of heaven will be shaken.
It is hard to forget the tragic 2004 earthquake and tsunami in the Indian Ocean, which killed over 227 thousand people in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand and other countries. It remains one of the worst natural disasters in written history. Many other tsunamis and floods affect the World multiple times a year, and their number continues to rise year after year. We see this ayah (sign) being fulfilled all around us.
Injil, Matthew 24:7
One umma will rise up against another umma, and one kingdom will rise up against another kingdom. There will be earthquakes and famines in many countries.
Peace has not yet returned to war damaged Syria, and huge numbers of people are still living as refugees in poverty in simple shelters and lacking clean water and medicine, in depression and often in ill health. They live in this hardship in their own as well as in surrounding countries. In February 2023, as if all that suffering was not enough, a massive earthquake hit a large area of Turkey and Syria, where these poor people live. Tens of thousands have died, and many more were injured.
But this is not the only tragedy. It is clear that earthquakes are not only increasing in frequency, but also appearing in more and more “diverse places”, as nabi Isa (aws) predicted in the Injil. Current graphs clearly show an alarming worldwide trend of increasing earthquake strength and frequency. Also, the USGS statistics page reveal a significant increase in the frequency of stronger earthquakes.
Allah is giving us plenty of warning through these events, and we will be without excuse if the day of the return of Isa Al Masih comes upon us like a thief in the night and catches us unaware. We need to pay attention to the ayat and get ready!
Dajjals (False Saviours)
Injil, Matthew 24:4-5,11
Isa answered them, "Beware! Do not let anyone mislead you! Many will come and claim in my name: I am the expected Al-Masih! They will mislead many people… Many dajjals will prophesy and mislead many people.
This ayah, perhaps more than any other, emphasized the deep need to seek Allah and to know the Scripture He sent to humankind as a guidance and a light, in order to avoid the deception of Iblis and his evil helpers. Notice that there will be more than one dajjal, and that this is a prophecy by Isa Al Masih himself, the one who is going to defeat the Enemy.
The World Pursuing Peace
Injil, 1 Thessalonians 5:3
When people say to each other: Peace and safety, then destruction will surprise them like labor pains surprise a pregnant woman. None of them will escape.
Most people would agree that this ayah is being fulfilled in our very days. Instead of the peace which most of us hope for, we see tensions building up, hatred rising and exploding in various places, many people dying in wars, and seeming securities falling apart. This voice for world peace will continue to be heard, and even bear the name of Allah as its banner. This peace, though, is a fake delusion (nabi Amos 3:3, Injil, 2 Corinthians 6:17, Injil, Revelation 18:4). The only real security in the Last Days is in seeking and being faithful to Allah, Al Awwal wa Al Aakhir (The First and the Last).
Injil, Matthew 24:6-7
Be careful that you are not afraid when you hear about wars and about rumors of wars. These things must happen, but the end will not be yet. One umma will rise up against another umma, and one kingdom will rise up against another kingdom. There will be earthquakes and famines in many countries.
Some people would argue that this isn’t a sign of the end times, because there have been wars since the beginning on human history. Yes. There have been terrible wars fought in the past, but when you look at the frequency and intensity of wars, then it’s plain that history knows no parallel to the times of the last few generations, including our own. More people have been killed as a result of war during the 20th century than in all previous centuries combined. HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people were killed not only in the two World wars, but also in other wars in Russia and China. The Muslim world has not been spared from deadly conflicts. Think of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Algeria … Armed conflicts, guerilla and open wars are still raging today in places like Syria, Somalia, Yemen, Nigeria, Myanmar, Turkey, Palestine, Azerbaijan, and all around the world. So is war an ayah pointing to our days? Yes, of course it is. But remember, we are not to take any of these signs ON THEIR OWN. Isa (aws) said: …so when you see all these ayat happening, know that Sayyid Al-Bashar (Son of Man) is near, at the door. (Injil, Matthew 24:33). Taking one sign like this one on its own does not prove that we are living in the last days. All of the signs need to be fulfilled.
Injil, Matthew 24:7
One umma will rise up against another umma, and one kingdom will rise up against another kingdom. There will be earthquakes and famines in many countries.
Famine is a tragic reality of our world. When Allah created our planet, He made it in such a way that it would provide abundantly for the needs of every human and every other form of life. Our disobedience and greed, and the intrigues of Sheytan have turned the world into what it is today. Thousands of people die every day of starvation, especially in the Sahel, Middle East and south Asia, in areas where the majority of Muslims live. At the same time, other Muslims are wasting huge sums of money on their worldly pleasures. Even Ramadan, which is meant to be a month of compassion, has become a time of gluttony for many. Global starvation is spreading and increasing, causing 1 billion people around the world to go hungry. Add to that crops failing due to global warming, and bees dying off in massive numbers. A catastrophic worldwide shortage of food is inevitably coming our way.
One particularly sad thing about this ayah is, that the amount of food that is wasted in the developed world could easily feed all the hungry! Please, think about those in need next time you do your shopping. All the Holy Books teach us that we are to be helping the poor and needy by giving them of our bread and clothing.
True Followers of Isa Al Masih Being Killed
Injil, Matthew 24:9-10
Then they will deliver you to be tortured and executed. All nations will hate you because of my name. Many will fall away and betray and hate each other.
Those who chose to follow Isa Al Masih were being killed right from the beginning. All of the hawariyun (disciples) or ashab (companions) of Isa (aws) suffered persecution, and 11 out of 12 are believed to have died a violent death at the hands of the enemies of Allah. The persecution of Isa’s faithful followers for their faith continued under the rule of Rum (Rome), as well as during the dark ages when the Roman Catholic Church ruled Europe and killed tens of millions of God’s people. This is being repeated today in places like Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Nigeria, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, India, China or North Korea, where many are being killed for their faith in Isa. And once the mark of the beast (prophesied by nabi John in the book of Revelation) is enforced soon, then this persecution will spread to the Western World as well. Isa Al Masih (aws), who is now alive, is not taken by surprise. He foretold all that, and assured all who chose to follow him, that this will be an ayah of the coming of the Hour, when Allah will restore justice and bring near to Himself all those who have proven their faithfulness to Him.
Increase in Sin
Injil, Matthew 24:12
Because of all the evil that will happen, the love of most people will grow cold.
Does this ayah (sign), found in the Injil, sound to you like a description of our days? Absolutely! Selfishness. Lying. Greed. Disrespect. Aggression. Idolatry. Violence. Lust. Adultery. Sexual deviations. Theft. They are all around. How much longer will Allah look at the way our generation lives. Perhaps the worst thing about sin today is, that it is made into “entertainment”! Through movies, television programs, social media and the internet, the majority of people in this world today are happily entertained by these same things.
This, as you sure know, is not a problem limited only to the kafireen (non-believers). Millions of Muslims use alcohol and drugs. The young often disrespect the elderly, and the elderly often don’t model living out godly values as they should. It is not uncommon for men to finish praying salat (namaz) and switch on TV, films or computer games full of violence. They mistreat their wives and children. Likewise, women fall easily to gossiping, envy or vanity and indulgence.
This is one of the major signs of the end of time.
Gospel Preached to the World
Injil, Matthew 24:14
And this gospel of the kingdom will be announced to all the nations of the inhabited world. After that the end will come.
What is this message, which everyone, everywhere, regardless of their country, language, gender, education level or religion must hear, before the Hour? Would you like to know?
Contact us through this website if you want to know understand the meaning of those two key words: the Kingdom of Allah and the Gospel.
The message, which the great prophet of Allah, Isa Al Masih, considered more important than any other, is being shared around the whole world – Muslim and non-Muslim (Dar Al Islam and Dar Al Harb) louder than ever before in history.
Is this ayah being fulfilled today as one of the end-time signs? The answer could be both YES and NO.
People who have submitted themselves to Allah, and who follow in the footsteps of Isa Al Masih, are preaching the true gospel throughout the world like never before, using the internet, social media, TV and satellite, radio and printed materials as well as in person. They are often prepared to make great personal sacrifices so that others can hear about the hope of all ages. We have never had the resources available before to reach the world the way we can now, and the good news is being heard in places where it has never been shared before.
At the same time, there are still very many people, villages, cities and provinces, where they don’t know anything about the things you are reading right now. Many don’t know the good news of Isa Al Masih, and the Kingdom of Allah. The more you learn about these things, the more you accept them with your heart, the more you submit your will and your life to Allah, the more you become part of His people, called to share this beautiful news, called the Gospel.
Here is an interesting quote from the 1980’s … “Before the final end, the world is to hear the message of the Lord’s coming. Had no more rapid means of conveyance and communication been found than existed a century ago, it would have been impossible to communicate such a message to one generation. But such a work must be done for the last generation … Then the last generation everywhere must hear the message, and this calls for rapid transit, and lightning couriers to bear the tidings to various parts of the earth.”
What do we have now for the “rapid transit” of the gospel message around the world, compared with the time this was written? We now have the smartphone, the Internet, and the satellite! We are living in a time like no other and the Gospel message is soon to reach the final corners of the earth. As Isa prophesied two thousand years ago, it will only be THEN, that the final stages of this earth’s history will take place.
Injil, 2 Timothy 3:1-4
Be certain that the last days are difficult days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, cursers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unclean, uncompassionate, unpardoning, liars, not self-controlled, fierce, enemies of good, traitors, irresponsible, proud, and lovers of pleasure more than they love Allah.
This sign of the end is powerful just on its own! Just go through the list of characteristics of the end-time generation, and you may begin to think: Oh yes: The Saudis, Kuwaiti, Turks, Moroccans, the Bengali, the Albanians, and so on. And what about the Germans, Russians, Americans, the Israelis, Indians or Chinese. You may even feel good about yourself going through such a list… They are the bad people; but picture yourself standing between the two angels who, tradition says, write down your good and bad deeds. What are the things they will reveal about your own heart?
Let’s limit our focus on the last characteristic in the long list in the Injil. Do we live in a world full of pleasure seekers? We most certainly do.
When we leave religious teaching aside, and focus on the issue of seeking pleasure, is there really much difference between average Muslims, Jews, Christians, atheists and idolaters? I wish there was. The truth is that the great majority of professing believers are lovers of pleasure more than they love Allah. They fill their lives with media, partying, playing games, wasting time on social networks and Allah gets little of their time and thought. There is little distinction between the average believer and a worldly person today. We certainly live in a pleasure-seeking world. This sign of the last days is fulfilled in our generation.
Whatever can offer the highest excitement draws people to itself as light draws insects at night, and yet every person’s destiny is about to be eternally decided. Sheytan sees that his time is short, and he’s hard at work deceiving people and keeping them occupied, until the Day of Reckoning, when the door of mercy will be forever shut.
Injil, 2 Timothy 3:5
…having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
The world is full of people who only have a “form” of Godliness. How many are actually living the faith that they proclaim? How many live according to the way laid out in the Holy Books? Not many, which is why Isa Al-Masih said … “will I find faith when I return?” (Injil, Luke 18: 8). This is why he said that only few would find the narrow way, as the majority will head down the broad way to destruction. Why? Some will be denied entry into the eternal Garden because they loved the world more than they loved Allah! Others are proudly displaying their godliness by wearing a long beard or covering themselves behind a niqab. These signs of outward submission to Allah are not wrong, but they have no value, unless they are accompanied by a godly spirit of goodness, compassion, forgiveness and humility. Unless we invite Ruhullah (the Spirit of God) to cleanse and change our hearts, no form of outward godliness will bring us anywhere on the straight path on its own value. If you want to be among those rejoicing on the Day of Resurrection, turn away from sin, live according to the will of the Almighty, and seek Him.