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Did you have a dream?
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The ancient prophet Joel revealed to us the following prophecy from Al-Wahhaab (The Giver of gifts):
nabi Joel 2:28
And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit (Ruh) on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.
Allah Uses dreams to search our hearts: sometimes our dreams challenge us about things in our heart that we are unaware of, blind to, or leave unattended.
Allah uses dreams to open our ears: We are not always open to hearing His voice because a lot of the time we are too busy, and do not take the time hear Him. By giving us dreams, Allah breaks through this shell we have surrounded ourselves with.
Allah uses dreams to bring instruction: He tells us about of our faults, directs us from our own ways to the Straight path, and shows us in His mercy how to move away from and out of our circumstances.
Allah uses dreams to break down walls of self-defense: through dreams Allah bypass our self-defense mechanisms and our preconceived notions about our strengths and weaknesses. Dreams go right to the truth of the matter.
Reveal His will – Tawrat, Genesis 28:11–22; 37:5–10
Warn government officials and world leaders of future events – Tawrat, Genesis 41:1-8; nabi Daniel 2:1-45
Give revelation to His prophets – Tawrat, Numbers 12:6
Encourage His people – Judges 7:13–15
Answer believers’ prayers – 1 Kings 3:5-15
Instruct us – Injil, Matthew 1:20
Warn His people against certain decisions – Injil, Matthew 2:13; 27:17-19