May sawm and salat bring light to your soul this Ramadan.
Seek al-Muhyee, the Giver of Life.
The Man in white comes to Muslims in dreams during
Ramadan more than any other time of the year.
Have you received a dream yourself?
We will be delighted to hear about your experience and blessing.
Muhammad: ''Last night, I saw a strange dream I want to share with you. I saw in my dream a man wearing white garment, sitting on a big white throne. He had three messages in his hand. He asked three angels to come and gave them the messages. He asked them to go fast, and share the messages with people on earth. I knew that these messages were important, and I wanted to know them. The man wearing white said: Read the Injil, my Word, and you will understand.''
Does Allah speak through dreams?
How do we know a dream is from Allah?
Embark with us on a journey from the depths of history to Allah’s victorious future.
Why is there so much injustice in the world?
Why don’t we need to be afraid of the judgement of Allah?
Study the prophets - follow our WEEKLY READINGS
Did you have a dream?
Do you have questions?
We are here to help you.